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If you would like to read more about our daily routines, our key person system and more, please click on ‘Information Pack’ below for a downloadable version. 
In line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Our Registration Form, also linked below, contains a variety of permissions which we require before children can start with us. You will also find our Privacy Notice in line with GDPR guidelines and a Getting to know me form which we use with children's new Key people to create their starting points in setting. 

If you require support completing your registration form or do not understand a question / permission, please do not hesitate to call the office on 01653696754 as we are happy to help. 

Parent Agreement 


Within our Registration Form we have a Parental agreement section whereby parents and carers contractually agree to the following :


  •  Agree to notify the setting if any information changes, including Contact numbers, Home address, Passwords,  Emergency Contacts, Health needs, Permissions etc…


  • Agree to read and follow the settings Policies which can be located on the website. Paper copies are available upon request


  • Agree to pay my child’s fee’s on time either - Weekly, Monthly or Half Termly 


  • Agree to keep communication open and honest with the setting about fee’s to avoid late charges 


  • Agree to give 4 weeks notice of termination of my child’s place at Brooklyn, Fee’s are still due for this notice period as outlined in our Policies and Information pack.

©2021 by Brooklyn Preschool Playgroup. Proudly created with

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